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70 поинтов Use these sentences in the reported speech. 21. My friend asked me, “Can you lend me some money?”22. The sales manager reported, “Our profit has increased this year”.23. The CEO informed the employees, “We are going to invest more money in construction”. 24. The bank manager warned me, “Don’t forget to pay back on time”.25. My sister asked me, “Do you know anything about digital money?”26. The teacher enquired, “When was money invented?”27. She suggested, “Let’s deposit our money in a bank”.28. Our boss announced, “The bank has several defaults on loans”.29. He wondered, “What is the interest on my loan?”30. The stranger asked me, “Where is the nearest ATM?”


My friend asked me could I lend him some money

The sales manager reported that their profit had increased that year.

The CEO informed the employees that they were going to invest more money in construction

The bank manager warned me that not to forget to pay back on time

My sister asked me if I knew something about digital money

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