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Английский язык

Уражнение о Поставь глаголы в Present Continuous.The teacher the door. (not to close)vou the washing-up? (to do)They the printers. (to deck)vour grandmother at birds? (to look)We the check point. (not to pass)ther to help? (to try)She to the centre of the town not to walk)the policemen into the bank? (to rum)Look Steve's mother a cup of coffee. (ro makeYou the words correctly. (nor 10 link)​

The teacher isn’t closing the door
How are you doing the washing up?
They are decking the printers
Is your grandmother looking at birds?
We aren’t passing the checkpoint
Are they trying to help?
She isn’t walking to the center of the town
Is there police man running into the bank?
Look!Steve’s mother is making a cup of coffee.
You aren’t linking the words correctly.

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