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4 Order the words to make questions. Then writeshort answers1 you / did / yesterday / phone / he/?Did he phone you yesterday? Yes, he did.2 answer / question / teacher's / you / the I did /?No,3 walk/party/they/to/ did / the /?Yes,4 in / look / dress /l/my/ did / new / OK/?Yes,5 police / did / dog / look / the / for / the /?No,6 the / at / finish / 9.30 / TV/ did / programme/?No,Пж поможіть очень нужно​


2Did you answer the teacher's question? No, I didn't

3Did they walk to the party? Yes, they did

4Did I look ok in my new dress? Yes, you did

5Did the Tv programmefinish at 9.30?No,it didn't

6did the police look for the dog? No, they didn't

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