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Английский язык

Составить по 2 предложения каждого времени Present Simple,Present Continuous,Present Perfect.

Present Simple
Every day i wake up at 7 am.
Usually I do my homework after school.
Present Continuous
Now im playing tennis.
At the moment im playing guitar.
Present Perfect
I have already come home.
I havnt done my homework yet.
1) I like apples. I dont like apples.
He reads books every day. He doesnt read books every day.
2) I am writing a letter now. I am not writing a letter now, (I am reading)
She is eating a sandwich at the moment. She is not eating a sandwich at the moment.
3) I went to the cineme last night. I did not go to the cinema last night.
They did their chores yesterday. They did not do their chores yesterday.
4) Sara will go to the country next week. Sara wont go to the country next week.
My granny will read this article tomorrow. My granny wont read this article tomorrow.
5) Do I like apples Why dont you like apples
Does he read books every day Why doesnt he read books every day
6) Am I writing a letter now Why am I not writing a letter now
Is she eating a sandwich at the moment Why isnt she eating a sandwich at the moment
7) Did I go to the cinema  last night Why didnt I go to the cinema last night
What did they do yesterday Why didnt they do their chores
8) Will sara go to the country next week Why sara wont go to the country next week
What will my Granny read tomorrow My granny wont read this article tomorrow, will she тут по 3 мы просто сами это делали
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