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Английский язык

Нужны ответы желательно с объяснениями

1f, 2h, 3g, 4a, 5e, 6b, 7d, 8c.
Объяснения пишу на английском, если не понятно спрашивай и я переведу.

1. "See through his charm" means a person can see the guys real unpleasant personality and cant be fooled by first impression. 
2. "See you out" means to escort someone out of a place. 
3. "See to it" means to deal with a task, in this case unwashed dishes which need to be washed.
4. "Look it up" means to find information in a book. 
5. "Look up to" means to view someone with respect and wish to be like that person. 
6. "Looking into" means, in this case, that police is investigating the crime that was committed. 
7. "Looks down" means she thinks she is better than everybody else. 
8. "See him off" means to take him to the airport in order to say goodbye upon departure.
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