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Английский язык

Turn the following into the Future Perfect.
1. I had done my homework by 9 o’clock. I will have done my homework by 9o’clock.
2. They had built the new school by the first of September. ________________.
3. The teacher had looked through our exercise-books by that time. ________________.
4. We had discussed the report by four o’clock in the afternoon. _______________.
5. The pupils had read three English books by the end of the year. ____________________.
6. I had written the composition by 9 o’clock.

2. They will have built the new school by the first of September.
3. The teacher will have looked through our exercise-book by that time.
4. We will have discussed the report by four o`clock in the afternoon.
5. The pupils will have red three English books by the end of the year.
6. I will have written th composition by 9 o`clock.
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