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Английский язык

Составить диалог на английском ПРО НОВЫЙ ГОД, с использованием времён:
Present Perfect
Present Continious
Past Continious
Future Continious
Present Simple
Past Simplе

John:Good morning,Jack!
Happy New Year!

Mark:Happy New Year to you and your family!

John:Thank you very much.Its good to see you again.You know,I was lucky to welkome in New Years Day with my family.

Mark:Then I,m sure you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves.

John:Of course.It was really enjoyeble.We all,even the children,remained awake all night and made merry.

Mark:Do all Americans observe this holiday

John:Certainly.At midnight many people go outside and shout "Happy New Year to everybody!".And then they usually sing an old Scottish song.At midnight people set off fireworks and blow automobile horns.Sirens are heard everywhere.In short,there is general noise and gaiety.Do you do the same

Mark:Certainly.The same is true for us.There is also a lot of noise and gaiety when we see the New Year in.There are many people who prefer to celebrate the coming of a new year in cafes and restaurants.But I would say for most people it is a family get-together.

John:Is it

Mark: On New Years Eve our people stay in their homes,exchange good wishes,dance and sing.

John:Evidently its pretty much the same everywhere with slight variation.We trim our Christmas trees.Tall Christmas trees are erected in town and city squares and at big stores.On New Years Eve we send good wishes to all our friends,even those who are most neglected during the rest of the year.
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