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Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words.1A: It was freezing yesterday, wasn't it?B: Yes, I heard it was ........................ (cold) day of the year so far.2A: Did you think the History test was difficult?B: No, it was much ........................ (easy) the Russian one.3A: Tobias never seems to get stressed, does he?B: No, he's one of ........................ (relaxed) people I’ve met.4A: Shall we go to the lake or the park today?B: Oh, let's go to the lake. The park is so much ........................(far) away.5A: Did you see the new episode of Game of Thrones last night?B: Yeah, it was...................... (exciting) episode I've seen this season.6A: Kelly is older than her brother, isn't she?B: No, actually I think she is a couple of years ........................(young).7A: It's cheaper to go by train than by plain, isn't it?B: Yes, but........................ (quick) way to get there is by car.8A: The Internet connection we get with this new computer is awful.B: You need to buy a ........................ (good) modem.9A: Oh, I like your new shoes.B: They're great, aren't they? And they're much ........................ (comfortable) the ones I had before.10A: Pam's really nice, isn't she?B: Yeah, she's one of.......................(friendly) people I know.


1the coldest 2easier than3the most relaxed 4the farthest 5the most exciting 6younger 7the quickest 8better 9more comfortable than 10the most friendly

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