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Даю 100 поинтовTest: «Comparatives and superlative adjectives».1) The town was surprisingly big. I expected it to be ...smallestsmallerersmaller2) We don’t have enough space here. We need a … apartment. biggersmallerbetter3)We were busier ... usual in the office today. It’s not usually so busy. morethanas4) I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 o’clock. In fact they arrived at 2.30. My friends … I expected. My friends arrived earlier than I expected.My friends arrived earliest than I expected.My friends arrived earlier more I expected.5) This building is 250 metres high, but it’s not … in the city. the worsethe worstthe bad6) James doesn’t study very hard. He’s … in having a good time. interestedmost interestedmore interested7) There is always a lot of traffic here, but today the traffic is really bad. The traffic today … usual. The traffic today is worst than usual.The traffic today is worse than usual.The traffic today is worse usual.8) Amy and Ben have three daughters. … is 14 years old. the eldestthe oldthe elder9) A straight line is … distance between two points. the shortestthe shorterthe short10) We stayed at … hotel in the town. the cheapthe cheaperthe cheapest


smaller; bigger; than; My friends arrived earlier than I expected; the worst; He's more interested; The traffic today is worse than usual; the eldest; the shorter; the cheapest.

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