4 год назад
3.Вставь эти слова в предложения. Fill in the necessary words1 He (заметил) that pieces of paper (поднимаются и летают)in the air.2 He (пришёл к)conclusion that heat (может поднимать) a balloon into the air.3.She studies Applied science:менеджмент и экономику.4.Popov (изобрёл) radio, but his (изобретение)wasn’t patented.5.(научные исследования включают) work with new radiation.They (одобрили) his (обещание) to continue his experiments.

Nov 22, 2020
1) Don't notice that pieces of paper lift and fly in the air.
2) Don't come to conclusion that heat may lift a balloon into the air.
3) She studies Applied science: managdmdnt and economics.
4) Popov invented radio, but his invention wasn’t patented.
5) Scientific observations include work with new radiation.
They approved his commitment to continue his experiments.