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Ребята, посчитайте пж ❤️ eat, do, study. pay, eat, say, commit1 After months of starvation, the child was noticedgreedily the whole night.2 I am beginning to think that he only seemedseriously all this time.3 I hope you rememberthe bills today.4 I regretthat your documents have arrived only recently and have not beenconsidered yet.5 The suspect is believedthis terrible crime.6 You are supposedyour homework now.​


1 After months of starvation, the child was noticed  eating

greedily the whole night.

2 I am beginning to think that he only seemed

seriously studying all this time.

3 I hope you remember  to pay

the bills today.

4 I regret  to say

that your documents have arrived only recently and have not been  

considered yet.

5 The suspect is believed  committed

this terrible crime.

6 You are supposed  to do

your homework now.​

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