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Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты - и установите их соответствие заголовкам 1-5 Запишите в таблицу ответа соответствующие цифры. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение задания - 10 минут.1. A Zoo2. A Hotel3. A Hobby4. A Gallery5. A MealA. Julia, who is a painter, often comes to this place. There is a good collection of paintings here. Visitors look at the wonderful pictures by famous artists.B. Last summer we went to the south of Russia and spent our holidays there. The place where we stayed was wonderful. It had four stars, it was modern and comfortable. The food in it was excellent.C. I don't usually have much to eat for lunch. I can have fish or chicken salad and a glass of juice. I often have a hamburger and a cup of coffee.D. My aunt Polly grows beautiful flowers in her garden. I like her tulips best of all. She spends all her free time in the garden.E. I often take my younger brother there to watch different animals. The birds are certainly in cages. But big animals are not. They are free in their territories.







Объяснение:1. Первый текст про художника и выставку, 2.Второй текст про пребывание в отели и описание. 3. Третий текст про еду, что я люблю есть, и Пятый текст -поход в зоопарк

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