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посчитайте с английским ДАЮ 50 поинтов Complete the sentence with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets.1 At noon yesterday, the staff _________________ (have) their monthly meeting.2 The teacher _____________________ (give) the students a test when the principal _____________ (come) into the classroom.3 I ________________ (walk) on the beach in Bali this time last week.4 Amy _________________ (sit) on the park bench while the children _____________________ (play).5 He _______________ (watch) the football game on TV at 8 o’clock last night.6 Ann ______________ (fly) her kite while her brother ________________ (ride) his bicycle.7 The sun _______________ (shine) and the birds ____________ (sing) that summer morning in Moscow. Mary _______________ (get) ready for work and Nick _______________ (make) pancakes for the children.8 Alexander Fleming ___________________ (discover) penicillin by accident while he ___________________ (look) at some old experiments.9 While we __________________ (do) the maths test, the fire alarm went off.10 When Sue _______________ (arrive) at 9.30 am, four people ______________________(wait) outside the office.


At noon yesterday, the staff had their monthly meeting.

The teacher gave the students a test when the principal came into the classroom.

I was walking on the beach in Bali this time last week.

Amy sit on the park bench while the children playing.

He watched the football game on TV at 8 o’clock last night.

Ann fly her kite while her brother riding his bicycle.

The sun shone and the birds sang that summer morning in Moscow. Mary got ready for work and Nick made pancakes for the children.

While we done the maths test, the fire alarm went off.

When Sue arrived at 9.30 am, four people waiting outside the office.

вроде так. но проверь еще

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