4 год назад
Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. Use the past simple.Life in the past • British people didn't eat (not eat) pizzas sixty years ago. Pizzas only?(become) popular in thein the 1970s.People on the island of Santorini in Greece(have) hot and cold water in their houses 3,600 years ago• In the 1700s English girls(not go to school. Only boys(go) to school.• People in Europe(not eat) potatoes and they(not drink) orange juice 1,000 years ago•Potatoes(come) to Europe from South America and oranges(come) from Asia

Nov 19, 2020
- Didn't eat
- Became
- Had
- Went
- Didn't eat
- Went
- Didn't drink
- Came
- Came
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