4 год назад
2. Which British politician was twice the UK Prime minister and led the country to victory in the SecondWorld War in 1945?Answer 2:a) Neville Chamberlainc) Herbert Kitchenerb) Margaret Thatcherd) Winston Churchill3. Belfast is the capital ofAnswer 3:a) Northern Irelandc) Englandb) Walesd) ScotlandAnswer 4:is the place of coronation for British monarchs.a) Buckingham Palaceb) Westminster Abbey5. A is a coin worth 5 cents.c) Whitehalld) The TowerAnswer 5:a) dimeb) pennyc) nickeld) quarterAnswer 6:6. When do the British celebrate Saint Patrick's day?a) March, 25b) March, 17c) March, 8d) March, 27Answer 7:7. What is the national symbol of Scotland?a) shamrockb) daffodilc) thistled) red rose

Nov 19, 2020
2. d) Winston Churchill
3. a) Northern Ireland
4. b) Westminster Abbey
5. Не понял вопроса.
6. b) March, 17
7. c) thistle
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