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2. Which British politician was twice the UK Prime minister and led the country to victory in the SecondWorld War in 1945?Answer 2:a) Neville Chamberlainc) Herbert Kitchenerb) Margaret Thatcherd) Winston Churchill3. Belfast is the capital ofAnswer 3:a) Northern Irelandc) Englandb) Walesd) ScotlandAnswer 4:is the place of coronation for British monarchs.a) Buckingham Palaceb) Westminster Abbey5. A is a coin worth 5 cents.c) Whitehalld) The TowerAnswer 5:a) dimeb) pennyc) nickeld) quarterAnswer 6:6. When do the British celebrate Saint Patrick's day?a) March, 25b) March, 17c) March, 8d) March, 27Answer 7:7. What is the national symbol of Scotland?a) shamrockb) daffodilc) thistled) red rose​


2. d) Winston Churchill

3. a) Northern Ireland

4. b) Westminster Abbey

5. Не понял вопроса.

6. b) March, 17

7. c) thistle

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