Упр. 3. Отнесите предложения к будущему времени. Внесите, где это необходимо, изменения в указания на время.1. The students had five lectures last week. 2. Anna has holidays in summer. 3. This drug has a sedative effect. 4. Ann and Mary have the same gawns. 5. We have a lot of snow in winter. 6. Our library has many books and journals. 7. Elsa had a Ford last year. 8. John had two exams yesterday.Упр. 4 Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.1. Anna has a bad headache.2. We will have practice soon.3. Nick has a running nose.4. They had a slight cold.5. Mary had a sore throat.6. The patient has a pain in stomach .7. The child will have a slight attach of grippe.8. I have pain in heart .

1. The students will have five lectures next week.
2. Anna will have holidays in summer.
3. This drug will have a sedative effect.
4. Ann and Mary will have the same gowns.
5. We will have a lot of snow in winter.
6. 6. Our library will have many books and journals.
7. Elsa is going to have a Ford next year.
8. John will have two exams tomorrow.
1. Does Anna have a bad headache? Anna doesn't have a bad headache.
2. Will we have practice soon? We won't have practice soon.
3. Does Nick have a running nose? Nick doesn't have a running nose.
4. Did they have a slight cold? They didn't have a slight cold.
5. Did Mary have a sore throat? Mary didn't have a sore throat.
6. Does the patient have pain in his stomach? The patient doesn't have a pain in his stomach.
7. Will the child have a slight attack of grippe? The child won't have a slight attack of grippe.
8. Do I have pain in my heart? I don't have pain in my heart/