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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from.where... Roger ... (to go)?-He ... (to go) to the exhibition.2)What ... you ... (to drink)?-I ... (to drink) apple juice.3)Who ... (to ride) a bike over there?-My neighbour Mike is.4)Why ... Dolly and Cathy ... (to look) through the magazines?-Because they ... (to look) for some information for their report.5) ... it ... (to snow) outdoors?-Yes, ... .It ... (to snow) very hard and it ... (to get) colder.6)Whom ... he ... (to speak) to?-He ... (to speak) to his uncle.They ... (to discuss) what present to buy for granny.7) ... Helen ... (to go) to her office now?-No, ... .She ... (to have) a day off today.8)What ... they ... (to do)?-They ... (to repair) a motorbike.9)Where ... you ... (to hurry)?-I ... (to hurry) to the concert.My husband ... (to wait) for me near the concert hall.10)Who ... (to prepare) the performance in the assembly hall?-My classmates ... (to have) a rehearsal there now.


Where does Roger go? He went to the exhibition. 2) what do you like to drink? I like to drink apple juice. 3) who rode a bike over there? 4) why are Dolly and Cathy were looking trough the magazines? Because they were looking for some information for their report. 5) Is it snowing out doors? Yes it is. It's snowing very hard and it's getting colder. 6) whom he was speaking to. He was speaking to his uncle. They were discussing what present buy to granny. 7) was Helen going to her office now? No, she has a day off today. 8) What are they doing? They repairing a motorbike. 9) Where are you hurring. I am hurring to the concert hall. 10) Who are preparing the performance in the assembly hall? My classmates are having a rehearsal there now.

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