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Английский язык

Пожалуйста посчитайте плиз срооооочно1.Your friends say: “ How about going to the Natural History Museum?” You want to go and you answer:1) I don’t really want to do that.2) That’s a good idea.3) It’s strange.4) Hm, i’m not sure.2. Your friend asks you to pass him a book. You pass him the book and say:1) What’s up?2) Thank you!3) Don’t mind.4) Here you are!3. Your friend is telling you something which surprises you. You reply:1) You’re welcome!2) You are kidding me!3) As usual.4) No, you are wrong4. You are in the shop and the shop assistant says: “I’m afraid we don’t accept cash”. You reply: 1) Ok, right. I’ll go and try this on.2) I’ll pay by credit card. 3) What size do you have?4) Ok, I’ll take it.


1. That's a good idea.

2. Here you are!

3. You are kidding me!

4. I'll pay by credit card.


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