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......3. Fill in the gaps with proper words (that, which, who, where, when, why).1. Do you know the man I talked to?2. Those jeans ... you want to buy are really expensive.3. This is the new car ... I bought yesterday.4. The ring ... he bought for her is beautiful.5. The book - you see on the table cost me twenty pounds.6. The boy ... won the prize was happy.7. Do you know the man talked to me?8. The peaches are lying on the table are tasty.9. We will stay at a hotel is next to the beach.10. We will visit the castle ... the kings lived.11. Winter is the time of the year ... many people suffer from flu.12. That is the film is very exciting.13. The peaches you bought in the shop are tasty.14. We will stay at a hotel ... my friend has recommended to us.15.That is the film... I likevery much.16. The little girl doll was broken is crying.17.I can't understand the reason ... you have been late for work.18. Do you know the reason ... she is so upset?19. This is the reason ... I never invite her to the party.20. This is the library you can find even rare books.21. The school ... I study is near my house.22. I remember the day ... I went to school.23. Could you explain me the choice you study this subject.24. The morning ... you came to me was wonderful..


1. who

2. which

3. which

4. that

5. which

6. who

7. that

8. wich

9. that

10. where

11. when

12. that

13. which

14. that

15. that

16. whose

17. why

18. why

19. why

20. where

21. where

22. when

23. why

24. when

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