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Пожалуйста посчитайте написать сочинение.WritingThis is part of a letter from Andy, your English pen friend.…I’m starting to feel really unfit! Do you do much exercise? How often do youexercise? What do I do to get fit? I’m thinking of joining a gym. Is that a good idea?What else would you recommend?Write soon.Love,AndyYou need to write 100 – 150 words


Hi! I'm very glad you're asking for my advice. I try to do weight loss exercises almost every day. Of course I follow a special diet. I try to eat more fruits and vegetables, and so cross out everything too fat. Unfortunately, there is no place for sweets in my diet. But it's very frustrating, because I love sweets very much. I get up early for Breakfast, and then I do my exercises. I don't recommend starting a long workout if you're just starting out. Do not expect that you will become slim after 4 training sessions. Unfortunately, this will not happen. You need patience and diligence, I hope you will succeed!


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