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СРОЧНО ПОМАГИТЕПоставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.1. Peter can make a shelf.2. Ann could go there yesterday.3. His friends will be able to help him on Sunday.4. I can show you the way to the park.5. I can swim five miles at a time.6. You must air the room twice a day.7. Children must sleep nine hours a day. 8. She must help her mother about the house


: Peter can’t make a shelf.

Can Peter make a shelf?

Ann didn’t can gi there yesterday.

Did Ann can go there yesterday?

His friends will not be able to help him on sunday.

Will his friends be able to help him on sunday?

I can’t show you the way to the park?

Can i show you the way to the park?

I can’t swim five miles at a time.

Can I swim five miles at a time.

You mustn’t air the room twice a day

Must you air the room twice a day?

Children mustn’t sleep nine hours a day

Must children sleep nine hours a day?

She mustn’t help her mother about the house.

Must she help her mother about the house?


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