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1.Complete the sentences.1) The police (have/has) been here for an hour already.2) The news (is/are) threatening.3) The mass media (has/ have) a lot of influence on people.4) A (serial/series) is a long story whose parts are presented on TV or radio.5) Robert W. is a (broadcaster/broadcast).6) Ron is spying (to/on) Walter.2.Present Progressive Passive or Past Progressive Passive.1) The Net (surf) by our students at the moment.2) When the new actors arrived, the film (shoot).3) Peter’s future (discuss) at the parents’ meeting yesterday.


1) The police have been here for an hour already.

2) The news is threatening.

3) The mass media has a lot of influence on people.

4) A serial is a long story whose parts are presented on TV or radio.

5) Robert W. is a broadcaster

6) Ron is spying on Walter.

2.Present Progressive Passive or Past Progressive Passive.

1) The Net is being surfed by our students at the moment.

2) When the new actors arrived, the film was being shot

3) Peter’s future was being discussed at the parents’ meeting yesterday.


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