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!!!20 БАЛЛОВ!!!

Speak about your preferences and say what:
. sweet food you'd buy for your birthday party 2. hot meal you'd order in a café or a restaurant 3. school lunch you'd call ideal 4. food you wouldn't eat even if you were hungry 5. clothes you'd like to wear for a teenager party 6. clothes you prefer to wear at school 7. clothes you'd hate to wear 8. presents you like to get and give 9. flowers you'd buy for your mother 10. stationery you like to buy and use

Speak about your preferences and say what:
. Id buy a huge yoghurt and cherry cake for my birthday party 2. Id order some fish or seafood in a café or a restaurant 3. school lunch consisting of fresh salad and chicken soup Id call ideal 4. I would be careful with Chinese national food, I wouldnt eat insects even if I was hungry 5. Id like to wear a pair of jeans, a smart top and high heels for a teenager party 6. I prefer to wear a uniform or office style clothes at school 7. I hate wearing black hose 8. I like jewellery.9. My mother loves chrysanthemums. 10. stationery you like to buy and use - I dont care, whatever.
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