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Английский язык

Придумайте к каждому предложению три вопроса.
I like cold orange juice.
What do you like?
who likes col orange juice?
What juice do you like
Предложения к которым надо придумать вопросы:
1They always use this dictionary at the lesson.
2Her friends like to go the cinema on holidays
3Feature films are sometimes very interesting
4her father is reading hi newspaper now
5Old people don't sleep well at night
6He doesn't want to learn irregular verbs by hwart
7the boy is running fast after his friend
8the child is listening to his Mum very attentively.

1They always use this dictionary at the lesson.
What do they always use at the lesson Who 
always uses this dictionary at the lesson When do they use this dictionary
2Her friends like to go the cinema on holidays.
Who likes 
to go the cinema on holidays Where do they like to go on holidays When do they like to go to the cinema
3Feature films are sometimes very interesting.
Which films can sometimes be interesting Are f
eature films always very interesting How feature films can sometimes be described
4her father is reading hi newspaper now.
What is her father doing now What is her father reading now When is her father reading his newspaper
5Old people dont sleep well at night.
doesnt sleep well at night When dont old people sleep well What dont old people do well at night
6He doesnt want to learn irregular verbs by hwart.
 doesnt want to learn irregular verbs by heart What doesnt he want to do How doesnt he want to learn irregular verbs
7the boy is running fast after his friend.
boy is running fast after his friend What is the boy doing Where is the boy rinning
8the child is listening to his Mum very attentively.
How is 
the child is listening to his Mum What is the child doing To whom is the child listening very attentively
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