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Английский язык

Помогите!!! срочно!!!
перевидите на анг...
1. Он помнил. куда положил газету
2. Мы знали, что она будет звонить вечером.
3. Я надеюсь вы будете читать эту книгу
4. Дети играют в фудбол утром.
5. Его семья должна быть у реки.

1. He knew where he put his newspaper
2. We knew that she will call in the evening 
3. I hope that you will read this book
4. Children are playing football in the morning 
5. His family should be by the river
1. He knew where he put his newspaper
2. We knew that she will call in the evening 
3. I hope that you will read this book
4. Children are playing football in the morning 
5. His family should be by the river

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