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Английский язык

. Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds.
1. ... knows that the sky is blue, but ... people know why.
2. If you have ... questions, I'll be in my office.
3. ... wanted to miss the match so ... arrived early.
4. The teacher asked if ... knew the answer to her question.
5. Would you like ... cheese or maybe ... sweeter?
6. Have you seen Jim ... ? I've been looking ... for him.
7. If you have ... spare time, there's ... I want to talk to you about.
8. ... is looking for John but ... has seen him since this morning.
9. I've never been ... without finding ... interesting to see.
10.If ... is going to the supermarket could they get me ... milk?
11. Don't speak to me. There is ... you can say to me that will make ...
difference to how I feel.
12. We never go ... for our holidays. Why don't we go ... this year?
13.Jerry is very tidy; he won't tolerate ... being out of place.
14. "I'll get you ... coffee." "Have you got ... cold ... milk perhaps?

1. everybody, some
2. some
3. everybody, nobody
4. somebody
5. some, something
6. somewhere, everywhere
7. some, something
8. everybody, nobody
9. anywhere, something
10. someone, some
11. nothing, any
12. anywhere, somewhere
13. someone
14. some, any
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