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Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста
ответьте на вопросы по таблице
I) How many subjects have the children got every day?
2) When do they begin?

3) How many subjects have the children got a week?

4) Say what subjects have you got on your timetable?

5) Are the subjects the same or are they different?

6} How many times a week have they got History?

1) The children have 5-6 subjects every day.
2)they begin at 9 oclock.
3)the children have got 26 subjects a week.
4)предмети які є в твоєму розкладі , наприклад In my timetable l have history, Math, Art, Geography and other.
5)the subjects are different.
6) they have history twice a week.
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