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Переделать из предложений отрицание, общий вопрос (с ответом да\нет) и спец. вопрос (с вопросит. словом)
Now i'm writing this e-mail to The RAP from Denver in the USA.

My parents are staying here for six months, so I'm going to school here.

Many RAP readers wantedto know about the English school system.

Well, here's a comparison of the English andAmerican systems.

Now i am not writing this email to the rap from Denver in the USA
am I writing this email to the rap from Denver in the USA
what am I writing to the rap from Denver in the USA

many rap readers didnt want to know about the English school system
did mantrap readers want to know дальше допишешь все ост
what did many rap readers want to know

well, here isnt comparison допишешь
well, is here comparison...
what is here

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