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Ask your partner about what she\he did last weekend and write down her\his answers <br />
1 what \do moRning ? gjrdxcvgssc -----------------

1 What did you do last weekend ( Что ты делал в прошлые выходные)
 - I got up at 9 oclock, washed my hands, cleaned my teeth, washed my face and had my breakfast andwashed the dishes.
2 What did you do after that ( Что ты делал после этого)
 - I made my bed, dressed myself and went to walk the dog.
- Then I played computer games and had lunch.
3 What did you do after lunch ( Чем занимался после обеда)
 - I did my homework and then went to the swimming pool.
4 What did you do in the evening ( А что делал вечером)
- in the evening I had supper and then hung out with my friends  and listened to music.
5 What did you do the next day (Чем ты занимался на следующий день)
 - I visited my grandparents and went to ski with my father. After supper I watched TV.   At 10 oclock I went to bed. 

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