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Английский язык

Match the problems with the possible possible advice.
1 l've got a terrible headache!
2 l'm bored!
3.l'm really cold in here!
4.l find the grammar very hard!
5.l heed information for my project!
6.My eyesight's bad. l can't read the board!
a) lf l were you, l'd close the window.
b) l'd talk to the teacher if l were you.
c) lf were you, l'd get some glasses.
d) lf l were you, l'd take an aspirin.
e) l'd play a computer game if were you.
f) lf l were you, l'd search the internet.

Я как понял,надо выбрать к примеру 1.d ну и так далее.

1.d, 2.e, 3.a, 4.b 5.f 6.c
1d 2a 3c4f 5 b 6 e наааааааааааа
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