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Choose the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. 2. Ben (have/has) fallen off his bike. 3.The meeting (have/ has) just finished. 5. They (have / has) pronounced the new words several times. 6. Fortunately my little brother ( have not/ has not) develop a cold. 7. The boys (have/ has) swum in the swimming pool. 8 . My parent (have not/ has not) been to Italy. 9. Sofie ( have not/ has not) begun learning the vocabulary yet . 10. Tom and Dan ( have / has ) borrowed the books from the library. Сделайте пожалуйста очень надо!

2. Ben has fallen off his bike.
3.The meeting has just finished.
5. They have pronounced the new words several times.
6. Fortunately my little brother has not develop a cold.
7. The boys have swum in the swimming pool.
8 . My parent have not been to Italy.
9. Sofie has not begun learning the vocabulary yet .
10. Tom and Dan have borrowed the books from the library. 
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