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Use present perfect of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences. 1. Captain Drake (be) has been to many countries of the world. 2. Doris and Helen (follow) the group. 3. His parents ( not speak ) to the teacher yet. 4. I (never swim) in the ocean . 5. Mike (hear) a strange sound . 6. Bob ( write) an interesting essay . 7. The boys (play) football. 8. The students (pronounce) the new words after the teacher. 9. The sportsmen (run) 10 kilometers . 10. The meeting ( just begin ) really late. Сделайте пожалуйста очень надо!Заранее спасибо!

1) has been
2) have followed
3)havent spoken
4)have never swum
5) has heard
6) has written
7)have played
8)have pronounced
9) have run
10) has just begun
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