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Краткий рассказ о 1 из 7 чудес света на английском . Помогите пожалуйста! Срочно!!!


The first wonder of the world of all time, one of the main structures of the planet, a place full of secrets and mysteries, the point of permanent tourist attraction - the pyramids of Egypt, and in particular the pyramid of Cheops. Construction giant pyramids, of course, was the work is far from easy. The enormous efforts of a large number of people have been made to deliver the stone blocks on the Giza Plateau and Saqqara, and, later, in the Valley of the Kings, which has become a new necropolis pharaohs.
Вдалеке от побережья Южной Америки затерялся остров Пасхи. Сейчас он известен на весь мир, благодаря находящимся на нем странным статуям моаям.   Away from the coast of South America lost Easter island. Now he is known all over the world, owing to the fact that it is strange statues MAAM
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