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Английский язык

Упражнение 1
Составить предложения со словосочетаниями!
Первые 4-и словосочетания в PAST SIMPLE
Вторые 4-и словосочетания в Present Simple.

1.Отрицание,2.Вопрос ,3.Спец.Вопрос
4.Вопрос к подлежащему.
-Это всё с каждым словосочетанием!!
Помогите пожалуйста!!!

1. Continuous oxigen deficiency was the cause of her fainting.
2. The members of expedition were in extreme want of food and clothing.
3. He heard the news and his face got pale.
4. The more I questions the teacher asked me the more sweat appeared on my hands.
5. He usually feels dizzy after riding a rollercoaster.
6. Im afraid your shallow breathing means you have problems with your heart.
7. My pulse often gets weak when Im exhausted.
8. Slow pulse doesnt necessarily indicate the disease.

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