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V. Open the brackets;
1.Have you ever (to be) to a luxury restaurant?
2.We have just (to order) a three-coursedinner.
3.They have never (to have) fiill English breakfast before. - Have you ever (to try) English cereals? - 1 think, I have.
4.Who (to take) your order, sir? - 1 (not to order) anything yet.
5.Why I (to refuse) to try your chefs special? The fact is, that I (to taste) it many times. - You (to enjoy) it? - Very much.
6.My customers (not to eat and to drink) anything since morning. You (to get) any snacks and drinks? - Of course, we have.
7.A year (to pass) since I attended a convention. Anything (to change) ever since? - Oh, yes. Our company (to develop) some new pre-conventionandpost-conventiontours.
8.What kind of drink the bartender (to mix) for you? - It's a «Margarita». You ever (to have) it? - Not yet, I'm afraid.
9.The banquet manager (to make) bulk purchases of food and drinks yet? - Hopefully, yes. I (not to make) sure yet.
10.You (to get) a master key or an extra key? My customer (to lose) his room key. - He (not to put) it into a key drop, has he? - He thinks, he (to leave) it in his room and (to lock) the door.
11.The catering department (to be) busy this month. The caterers already (to arrange and to serve) a dozen of banquets. And they are going to serve a dozen more.
12.Our manager (to come) to the conclusion that we have to increase our business.
13.Your customers (to choose) the dishes on the menu, haven't they? - Yes, they have. But I personally (not to choose) anything yet.
14.The catering business (not to reach) its peak, has it?

1.Have you ever (been) to a luxury restaurant
2.We have just ( ordered) a three-course dinner.
3.They have never ( had) full English breakfast before. - Have you ever (tried) English cereals - 1 think, I have.
4.Who (took) your order, sir - I have (not ordered) anything yet.
5.Why I (refused) to try your chefs special The fact is, that I (have tasted) it many times. - Did you ( enjoy) it - Very much.
6.My customers (have not eaten and drunk) anything since morning. Have you (got) any snacks and drinks - Of course, we have.
7.A year (has passed) since I attended a convention. Has anything ( changed) ever since - Oh, yes. Our company (has developed) some new pre-convention and post-convention tours.
8.What kind of drink the bartender (is mixing) for you - Its a «Margarita». Have you ever ( had) it - Not yet, Im afraid.
9. Has the banquet manager ( made) bulk purchases of food and drinks yet - Hopefully, yes. I (have not made) sure yet.
10. Have you (got) a master key or an extra key My customer (has lost) his room key. - He (has not put) it into a key drop, has he - He thinks, he ( left) it in his room and (locked) the door.
11.The catering department is (being) busy this month. The caterers have already ( arranged and  served) a dozen of banquets. And they are going to serve a dozen more.
12.Our manager (has come) to the conclusion that we have to increase our business.
13.Your customers (have chosen) the dishes on the menu, havent they - Yes, they have. But I personally (have not
chosen) anything yet.
14.The catering business (has not reached) its peak, has it

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