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Помогите пожалуйста!
Переделайте предложения в соответствии с информацией, данной в скобках.

Пример: Our friends come to see us every Friday. (last Friday) - Our friends came to see us last Friday.

1. Every day the shop closes at 7 p.m. (yesterday)
2. I will help you tomorrow. (yesterday)
3. Scientists published their report last month. (every month)
4. My sister went on holiday a week ago. (next month)
5. We will have a meeting in two weeks. (two weeks ago)

1. The shop closed at 7 p.m. yesterday.
2. I helped you yesterday.
3. Scientists publish their report every month.
4. My sister will go on hjoliday next month.
5. We had a meeting two weeks ago.
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