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In just a few words can not describe Yaroslavl,Its air to breathe!Only then you may hear,The fact that the truth can be called.
This truth is hovering near,As Firebird, try to catch!It arises, if melted,Continuing to play with the poet.
Anyway, Ill catch the Firebird,Yaroslavl, write about you!Architects famous capital,Im just here Vintage breathe.
Architects need to bowFor your beauty, my town.Called the pearl togetherYou all who stood in front of you.
And the golden ring RussiaYou do not accidentally entered.Give me the city more beautiful!I was looking for, but have not found ...
In just a few words can not describe Yaroslavl,Its air to breathe!Only then you may hear,That truth can nazvat
(The 1000th anniversary of the town is dedicated)
There on the Volga Tsar-grad, Yaroslavl name,Hes with a grey head, high catHe is young and powerful, a lot of power in itHe and the warrior-Savior, and will cover, as a mother.He was the Builder of the great scientists of the pierIn many cases, the inspiration and the great startedIt was all centuries in the Millennium itHe is Russias Savior and himself.Responded to calls of a great countryWent to construction sites and into space, to the nobility of the land,Took care of the Orthodox souls clean,Remember ancestors mandates: "the Country take care of!"Flourish, Yaroslavl, Millennium live!Updated, grow, serve by example,So the people in you my happiness is found!Glory, glory to you, the white-haired hero!

(1000-летию города посвящается)

Есть на Волге Царь-град, Ярославлем зовут,
Он с седой головой, высоко златоглав,
Молод он и могуч, много силушки в нём,
Он и воин-спаситель, и прикроет, как мать.
Он строитель великий, учёных причал,
Многих дел вдохновитель и великих начал,
Было всяких столетий в тысячелетье его,
Он России спаситель и себя самого.
Отзывался на зовы великой страны,
Шли на стройки и в космос, к благородству земли,
Берегли православье, души чистоту,
Помним предков наказы: «Страну береги!»
Расцветай, Ярославль, тысячелетья живи!
Обновляйся, расти, всем примером служи,
Чтобы люди в тебе своё счастье нашли!
Слава, слава тебе, седовласый герой!

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