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Английский язык

1.Make up sentences with the words:
1). looking for / am / new / I / book / a. ___________________________________________________
2). the / he / moment / is / TV / at / watching? _______________________________________________
3). tennis / not / yard / they / the / playing / are / in. ___________________________________________
4). dog / she / now / is / the / walking / not. __________________________________________________
5). Eating / at / ice-cream / you / the / an / are / moment. __________________________________________
2.Ask and answer the questions:
1). the cat / play? (eat) - Is the cat playing? No, it isn’t. It is eating.
2). the boy / read (watch TV) - ____________________________________________________________
3). they / dance? (speak) - ________________________________________________________________
4). You / write? (translate the text) - ________________________________________________________

Вот ток первое 1. I am looking for a new book. 2. Is he watching TV at the moment 3. They are not playing tennis in the yard. 4. She is not walking the dog now. 5. You are eating an ice-cream at the moment
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