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Английский язык

Today is ..., ..., 20...
I ... at my English class. I ... reading a story about Thomas A. Edison. I ... learning that his laboratories are in Orange, New Jersey. I... glad to read about such a man as Th.A. Edison. A young inventor ... in Thomas Edison's laboratory. He ... looking at an in vention that ... in a glass case. It ... an electrical invention. The young inventor's pencil ... in his hand. He ... drawing the part of the invention which he came there to study. An Englishman and his young son ... in Edison's laboratory. They ... looking at hundreds of inventions. Many of them ... in glass cases. The man and his son ...
interested in all Mr. Edison's inventions, they ... most interested in the electrical ones. Many of those ... in one room. Several tourists... in this room, and among them ... the Englishman and his son. The man says to one tourist, «We ... interested in electrical ones».

Today is 01, 12, 2016
I am at my English class. I am reading a story about Thomas A. Edison. I am learning that his laboratories are in Orange, New Jersey. I am glad to read about such a man as Th.A. Edison. A young inventor is in Thomas Edisons laboratory. He is looking at an in vention that is in a glass case. It is an electrical invention. The young inventors pencil is in his hand. He is drawing the part of the invention which he came there to study. An Englishman and his young son are in Edisons laboratory. They are looking at hundreds of inventions. Many of them are in glass cases. The man and his son are
interested in all Mr. Edisons inventions, they are most interested in the electrical ones. Many of those are in one room. Several tourists are in this room, and among them are the Englishman and his son. The man says to one tourist, «We are interested in electrical ones»
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