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Английский язык

Раскрыть скобки, поставить глагол в Past Simple.
1. I (be) very ill last week.

2. The old woman (fall) as she was crossing the street.
3. When the bell (ring), all the children (jump) from their seats and (run) out.
4. She (sleep) well last night? – No, she (have) a very bad night.
5. They (choose) cream paint for the floor and apricot for the walls.
6. They (begin) painting but (find) that the walls were too wet.
7. When Ann (come) back last night? – She (return) home late.
8. Last night my friend and I (have) some free time.
9. A month ago my uncle (build) a new house in the country.
10. How many letters he (write) last month?
11. When she (go) home?
12. We (wake up) late on Sunday. Then we (have) breakfast and (go) for a walk. We (be) free all day long yesterday.

1. I was very ill last week. 2. The old woman fell as she was crossing the street. 3. When the bell rang, all the children jumped from their seats and ran out. 4. Did she sleep well last night - No, she had a very bad night. 5. They chose cream paint for the floor and apricot for the walls. 6. They began painting but found that the walls were too wet. 7. When did Ann come back last night - She returned home late. 8. Last night my friend and I had some free time. 9. A month ago my uncle built a new house in the country. 10. How many letters did he write last month 11. When did she go home 12. We woke up late on Sunday. Then we had breakfast and went for a walk. We were free all day long yesterday.
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