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Alternative American school. My school was very different from most schools. It was in a lovely old house in a forest. There were only sixty pupils. There weren't many facilities, but there was a good library if you wanted to look up information or cutch up with your work. You won't believe this, but we didn't have to go to lessons! And there was no homework or tests, or anything like that, we could do what we wanted. If you wanted to study, we just went to the teachers and asked them to help us. At first, I was bored! Then I got interested in scince and computers, i studied science with a teacher who i got on with. i LIKED IT SO much that now I'm studying engineering at university and i want to go on to do further research. There were lots of other activities at school you could take up if you wanted - sport, painting and acting. The best thing was that we were free, and the school was democratic. Everything was decided at school meetings, and everyone could vote - earch student had the same vote as the teachers. We all kinds of things - we even choose the teachers! A lot of people don't believe me, but it worked really well.

1) My school was very different from most school, wasnt it
2)  Was school in a lovely old house in a forest
3) How many students were there at shool 
4) The students didnt have to go to lessons, did they 
5) Whatdid they do if they wanted to study 
6) Were there most of other activities at school 
7) What was the best thing for the students
8) Everything was decided at school meetings, wasnt it
9) Could everyone vote
Dont many people believe the author of the article
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