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1. We don't usually go on holiday abroad, but last year we (have gone/went) to Poland.
2. I (have bought/bought) some cakes earlier. Do you want one?
3. Miles (hadn't met/hadn't been meeting) me for a long time.
4. I'm really exhausted. How many of these boxes (have we moved/have we been moving)?
5. I (haven't seen/didn't see) Mandy all day. Idon't know where she could be.
6. We've (tidied/been tidying) the house all morning, but it still seems a mess.
7. When I was a very small child we didn't have much money, but we (had been/were) happy.
8. By the age of 15, Maurice Hobbs (had passed/passed) the exams for university.

1. went
2. have bought
3. hadnt been meeting
5. havent seen
6. tidied
7. were
8. had passed
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