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Английский язык

Раскройте скобки пожалуйста( Даю 35 баллов за ответ..
1. I am sure you (win) the game
2. We (finish) the work by tomorrow evening
3. This time next week (take) part in the competition
4. Tim and I (go"leave") shopping in 3 hours
5. I promise, I (write) the essey
6. Oh, someone`s knocking at the door - I (open) it.
7. The play (start) at 6 pm
8. Go away or I (call) the police.

1. I am sure youll win the game.
2. We will have finished the work by tomorrow evening
3. This time next week Ill be taking part in the competition
4. Tim and I will go shopping in 3 hours
5. I promise, Ill write the essay
6. Oh, someone`s knocking at the door - Ill open it.
7. The play starts at 6 pm 
8. Go away or Ill call the police.
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