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Английский язык

Помогите, пожалуйста! Срочно надо!
What must they do in these situations? Write questions and answers using MUST or MASTN'T.
3. Sam is I'll.
4. My brother is going to leave very early tomorrow.
5. A man sees a house on fire.
6. You see a crying child lost in the street.
Use the following phrases
Call a doctor ) Buy a present
Call the firemen) Help him find his
Stay up late )way home
) Go to bed early

Sam is Ill he must call a doctor.
My brother is going to live very early tomorrow he mast go to bed early
A men sees a house on fire he must to call the firemen.
You see a crying child lost in the street you must help him find his way home .
3.He must call a doctor.
4.He must go to bed early.
5.He must call the firemen.
6.You must help him find his way home.
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