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Английский язык

Пожааалуйста напишите сочинение на английском My favorite day
Мой любимый день это новый год (лол)
Просто вообще фантазии нету(((

Hello, my name is CrazyX228 and this is about my favorite time of the year.
In my opinion new years day is the best day of the year, because you feel the excitment of the next year the whole day. And thats not all. I love decorating our house into an winter, new year and Christmas all at the same time! And of course, the most exciting part of all: when the time turns into 12.00. That feeling is just amazing. The feeling of starting things from zero, kissing my family members, calling to my friends, writing on a diary about my future plans of the new upcoming year... .
 The new year holiday is certanly the best day of the year!
Проверь за ошибками. Может быть где то в грамматике ошибся. Но впрочем надеюсь помог :)
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