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Английский язык

Правельно записать глагол в скобках
1.Just keep (try) and you'll succeed one day .
2.Do you enjoy ( learn) languages?
3.She would like (travel ) all over the world .
4.I think she has a great chance of ( win ) the competition
5. Do you think she will agree ( have) the meeting in her office?
6.They expect (arrive ) at the airport at 6.30.
7. If the phone doesn't stop (ring) , l am going to break it
8.When did you start ( learn ) French?
9. They hope ( go ) to the Black Sea next year.
10.Her brother likes (swim) , but he doesn't like swimming pools.
11.My sister doesn't really need ( work) but she enjoys ( be) around the people .
12.(Eat) fatty foods,(drink) alcohol and (smoke) are all bad for your health.
13.Don't you want ( learn ) ( drive) ?
14.After ( work) all day , he doesn't feel like going out again.

1.trying 2.learning 3.to traveling 4.of wining 5.having 6.arrived 7.ringing 8.learning 9.gone 10.swimming, being 12.eating, drinking, smoking 13.learning to drive 14.working
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