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Английский язык

Почему мне нравится новый год по несколько причин . Укажите длинные причины , по - английски , пожалуйста ..

I like New Year because...
....I like giving presents to all my relatives and all my friends and I also like getting presents.
....I like decorating tree, house, my room and I like walking in the street when everywhere you see beautiful decorations.
....I like when my family gather together, we cook differents dishes, we lay the table, we sit, watch TV and talk, we sing and dance, we are happy.
....I like to spend New Year night in the street with my friends, we walk, dance, sing, play, it is fun!

Потому что мне дарят подарки- Because I give gifts.
Можно не спать до 12:00 - You can not sleep until 12:00.
Очень вкусная еда -Very tasty food.

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