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Английский язык

1) закончите предложения,вставив глагол to be в нужной форме:
1. it's very warm today but two days ago it.. very cold. 2. last year i ... 17, this year i ...18 years old. 3. now my friend ... a student but last year he ... a pupil. 4. i.... away on business now,but ten days ago i ... in my native town. 5. last time you ... right, but this time I ... afraid you ... wrong. 6. he ... in France last year, but this year he ... in his native village. 7. yesterday the day ... fine, now it ... windy
и на фото, очень прошу, пожалуйста помогите

1. its very warm today but two days ago it..was very cold. 2. last year i ..was. 17, this year i .am.18 years old. 3. now my friend ..is. a student but last year he ..was. a pupil. 4. i...am. away on business now,but ten days ago i .was.. in my native town. 5. last time you .were.. right, but this time I .am.. afraid you .are.. wrong. 6. he ..was. in France last year, but this year he .is.. in his native village. 7. yesterday the day .was.. fine, now it .is.. windy
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