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Английский язык

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Нужно сочинения на английском языке , на тему "Как я праздную новый год в семье " и т . д С переводом!

New Years Eve is my favorite every year I celebrate it with my semёy.Chasche just invite friends to holiday guests is a lot, so beautiful that there is such a wonderful holiday, and so many gifts and surprises!
I love New Year!Since this holiday is always very cheerful and happy! To start,l help me mother to cook!At lunch,l dressed up with Popeye the tree and pisk up for yourself outfit for the evening. Next, I congratulated all the friends on the holiday and we exchanged gifts with them! Then the evening comes ... and all the fun begins! We have the whole family sits at the table, listening to the president of circulation and then ring the bell! Dad lights the fireworks, we look at the beautiful sky, go back home and sit down at the table. And when I came under the tree lay gifts!

    Thats how we celebrate the new year!

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