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Задание 1
If the temperature falls below 0 C, water….into ice
A) Turned
B) Turns
C) Will turn
D) Turn
Задание 2
If he….the fine, he will go to the prison
a) Hadn’t paid
b) Won’t pay
c) Doesn’t pay
d) Wouldn’t pay
Задание 3
If I…..time, I’d take up sport
a) Have
b) Had had
c) Had
d) Am having
Задание 4
If she had studied harder, she….the exams
a) Would have passed
b) Would pass
c) Would passed
d) Passed
Задание 5
If you need help, ….to me
a) Will come
b) Would come
c) Will came
d) Would came
Задание 6
If I hadn’t been rude to him, …..upset now
a) Would not have been
b) Wouldn’t be
c) Will not be
d) Isn’t
Задание 7
If I were you, I…..to your mother
a) Would listen
b) Had listened
c) Will listen
d) Listen
Задание 8
If you …..your work, we can go to the restaurant
a) Will finish
b) Finished
c) Had finished
d) Have finished
Задание 9
If you add sugar to a cup of coffee, it….sweeter
A) Taste
B) Tasted
C) Tastes
D) Will taste
Задание 10
If he hadn’t been so silly, he…..punished
a) Would be
b) Wouldn’t have been
c) Would have not been
d) Wouldn’t be

1. В)
2. B)
3. C)
4. B)
В третьем может быть B)
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